Sunday, November 8, 2009

Animal Collective - Feels

This album is an interesting case. Well, perhaps interesting isn't the right word. Before any sort of evaluative statement can be made, it must be said that Animal Collective stands out as being intriguingly odd, only really comparable to other experimental acts such as Battles. This is art music, so when listening it's important not expect any semblance of "following the rules".

I cannot stress enough that the music produced by Animal Collective is not like other music, and I say that in a completely neutral way. You don't listen to it so much as almost study it. The sudden twists and turns can do anything from disturb to make you laugh. This leads to great variety, which helps the group's appeal tremendously. Every song is a distinct, unique experience.

The guiding force behind the album's erratic nature is the vocal work. The lyrics, sung in a manner that often reminds me of the layered vocals of MGMT's Andrew Vanwyngarden, are filled withe indirect imagery and unclear meaning. Combine this with the fact that the listener is often caught off guard by screaming or other, more difficult-to-identify sounds, and you can't help but wonder if what you're listening to is incredibly deep or incredibly insane. This uncertainty just might be the heart of what makes Animal Collective interesting.

I recommend listening to this album at least once, regardless of your taste in music. While this band probably won't make it onto your mp3 player, their one-of-a-kind flavor deserves to experienced.

Sounds like: Battles

-Track Listing-
1. Did You See The Words
2. Grass
3. Flesh Canoe
4. The Purple Bottle
5. Bees
6. Banshee Beat
7. Daffy Duck
8. Loch Raven
9. Turn Into Something

Best- Grass, Bees, Turn Into Something

Worst- ...


Grass video, appropriately odd.

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